Free Features of our GoShop Clone

Take a look at some of the top industry features of the on demand grocery app that we offer for free and others charge for.
  • Licensed Source Code Licensed Source Code

    We provide you with the lifetime licensed source code for the clone app package you buy from us.

  • 1-Year Bug Support 1-Year Bug Support

    We offer you one year of free support for any technical bugs you may find in our source code.

  • White-labeling White-labeling

    We will integrate your brand name and logo on our apps, website, admin panel, and web panels as well.

  • NDA & Privacy Policy NDA & Privacy Policy

    We follow strict NDAs and Privacy Policies. We will never claim your apps as ours or mention them in our portfolio.

  • Annual Updates Annual Updates

    We will provide you with the updated code of the clone app package you purchase from us after a year at no additional charge.

  • App Rejection Support App Rejection Support

    We will provide you with complete assistance if iOS or Android App Stores reject your app for technical reasons. We'll ensure that the issue is quickly resolved and the app gets approved.

What Does Our Instacart Clone Script Include?

We know we make it sound easy, but the entire system of on demand grocery delivery is quite complicated. There are many parties involved, each requiring their own app or web system to facilitate a mutual and collaborative purchase to delivery cycle. This is why; when you purchase your instacart clone app from us, we don’t just hand you a simple front end, but an entire bouquet of apps. Take a look at everything you get when you buy our On Demand Grocery Delivery Solution.

GoShop clone

gomart clone

Flow of Grocery Delivery

grocery delivery app flow

Interactive Demo Flow

Take a look at this demo video to take a glance through the working of this app including placing an order and the admin panel.

Multiple Revenue Streams of our Grocery Delivery App

Apart from on-demand mobile app development for your grocery delivery business, you also need to consider choosing relevant revenue streams. If you’re aiming to make easy and quick money, you need to develop a system that lets you generate revenue from multiple sources. Well, we have crafted just the perfect solution for you! With our on-demand grocery app, you can earn revenue from four different sources.

  • Delivery fees from users
    Delivery fees from users

    You can earn from delivery fees paid by customers on their grocery orders. You can charge customers a fee for providing them with the convenience of doorstep grocery delivery. This fee covers delivery costs and adds to your profits

  • In-app Advertising
    In-app Advertising

    You can place third-party ads on their application. Facebook and Google pay you based on metrics like the number of clicks. In technical terms, it’s known as earning via cost-per-click (CPC).

  • Commissions from Grocery Stores
    Commissions from Grocery Stores

    As the app owner, you can choose the commission rates you want to earn from each order. The Grocery Store will pay you the set cut for the orders they fulfill via your application.

Don’t restrict your customers just to the apps! Allow them to order any way they like.

Here’s a Sneak Peak to our Grocery Store Application

Know everything about your new businesses On Demand Grocery Delivery App right here!
Customer App
Delivery Driver App
Grocery Store App
  • user app
  • user profile setting
  • service category
  • edit cart and checkout
  • delivery driver app
  • select your vehicle
  • delivery driver profile
  • manage vehicles
  • grocery store app
  • grocery items
  • set timings
  • store details
View Step by Step Graphical Flow

The Three Business Models

That You Can Explore With Our App
  • App Registration Grocery App Registration
  • Grocery Store Grocery Store List
  • Chain of Grocery Store Chain Grocery Store

Feature Rich on Demand Grocery Application

The best in class features for your new Business!
Customer App
Delivery Driver App
Store App
Admin Panel
Customer App Features
customer Application features
delivery driver app
Driver Application features
Grocery store app
Store Application features
web panel of grocery delivery app
Website features
admin panel of grocery delivery app
Admin panel features

Admin Panel and Website Screen flow

Glance through the intuitive admin panel and website screens of our grocery delivery system.

Home Page
Responsive Website
Admin Panel
Admin Panel

What will it cost to develop an On Demand Grocery Delivery App?

When it comes to building an app from scratch, it might get very expensive, very fast. As you start building on it, days turn into weeks, weeks into months and months into years. And all this while you continue to pump in money at every stage.

But don’t worry! We’ve got your back. We have already developed the app like Gojek and kept it ready just for you. The app is specifically designed in a way that it requires just 4 to 5 days for us to white label it with your logo and brand name and ready and rolling for the launch.

We don’t just give you the app but a complete system to help your business run. Since we have so many advanced features in our apps, we’ve developed different packages for you. You can pick the package that suits you the most and avoid paying for additional features that aren’t relevant to your market.

grocery app priciing package
View Features & Pricing

Client Testimonials

To better understand the quality of our output, take a look at what our clients from across the world have to say about working with us and using our apps.

Considering Expansion to Other Delivery Apps?

You are at the right place. When it comes to delivery, the options available are limitless. We can help you not just with Grocery Delivery Application, but a host of different services and product delivery apps such as pharmacy delivery, parcel delivery, food delivery and much more. What’s more, if you want to build a bigger business with multiple delivery options along with your grocery delivery business. Here’s a whole catalogue of different apps that we can help you with.
